What Foods Contain Maltodextrin?

In this article, we’re going to be answering the question: What Foods Contain Maltodextrin? Maltodextrin is a complex carbohydrate that is used as an ingredient in many foods and beverages. It is derived from corn, rice, potato starch, or wheat. Maltodextrin has a slightly sweet flavor and is often added to processed foods as a texturizing agent, thickener, or filler. While it has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as generally safe for consumption, many people are concerned about its safety and potential health risks.

Maltodextrin consists of short chains of glucose molecules linked together to form a polysaccharide. Its molecular structure makes it easily digestible and quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, which can lead to rapid spikes in blood sugar levels due to its high glycemic index rating. For this reason, it should be consumed in moderation by individuals with diabetes or those who are trying to control their weight.

Maltodextrin In Foods

Maltodextrin is a carbohydrate food additive that is commonly used in processed foods. It is produced by breaking down starches like corn, rice, and potato into smaller sugar molecules. This type of additive has a slightly sweet taste but is not as sweet as regular table sugar. Maltodextrin is primarily used to improve the texture and volume of food products, while also helping to extend shelf life. 

This food additive can be found in many different types of foods such as bread, cereals, salad dressings, and sauces. It is also often added to processed beverages for flavor enhancement or thickening purposes. The USDA considers maltodextrin safe for consumption and does not have any known health risks when consumed in moderate amounts.

What Foods Contain Maltodextrin
What Foods Contain Maltodextrin

What foods contain maltodextrin?

Maltodextrin is a food additive made from starches such as corn, potato, and wheat. It’s used in the food industry to enhance flavor and texture, thicken foods and add sweetness. In this article, we will explore what foods contain maltodextrin. 

Pasta dishes often use maltodextrin to help bind sauces together more effectively, while cooked cereals such as oatmeal and rice puddings can contain it too. Meat substitutes are another common source of maltodextrin; this ingredient helps mimic the texture of real meat. Many baked goods also include maltodextrin, particularly pre-packaged items like cake mixes or cookies. Salad dressings, frozen meals, and soups can also contain maltodextrin for thickening or sweetening purposes, as can sugars and sweets like candy bars or ice cream toppings.

Is Maltodextrin gluten-free?

Maltodextrin is a form of carbohydrate that is widely used in food processing. It’s an odorless, tasteless, white powder made from starch. So does this mean that it contains gluten? The answer is no – Maltodextrin is gluten-free. This comes as good news for those who have celiac disease or are following a gluten-free diet due to gluten sensitivity.

Maltodextrin is derived from starch sources such as corn, potato, and wheat however the end product does not contain any protein molecules which are responsible for triggering immune responses in people with celiac disease. Therefore, Maltodextrin can be safely consumed by anyone following a strict gluten-free diet without any risk of adverse reactions or health complications.

Read More: Gluten-Free Bread Brands at Walmart

Is maltodextrin good for you?

Maltodextrin is a type of carbohydrate that is often used in foods and drinks. It is a white powder that is made from the starch in other types of plants, such as corn. Maltodextrin can be good for you because it can help to increase energy levels and reduce the risk of obesity.

What are alternatives to maltodextrin?

Alternative sweeteners to Maltodextrin are sugar alcohols such as sorbitol, xylitol, and erythritol. These sweeteners are not absorbed well by the body which means they don’t provide the same amount of sweetness as sugar. They can also cause stomach upset if consumed in large quantities so it’s important to be aware of the amount that is being used in recipes. There are also artificial sweeteners such as aspartame that are made from chemicals and should be avoided where possible.

Is maltodextrin a sugar?

Maltodextrin is a sugar, but it isn’t the sugar you’re thinking of. Maltodextrin is made from corn and is used as a filler or thickener in food. Some people think maltodextrin is sugar because it looks like table sugar, but maltodextrin is different because it doesn’t have the sweet taste of sugar.

Is maltodextrin the same as MSG?

Maltodextrin and MSG, or monosodium glutamate, are both food additives that are found in many foods. While they may have similarities, these two ingredients have distinct differences that can be important to understand. 

Maltodextrin is a carbohydrate derived from starches such as corn, potato, and wheat. It has a sweet taste but low caloric content and is used for flavor enhancement in processed foods like frozen dinners, candy bars, sports drinks, and other products. On the other hand, MSG is a sodium salt of glutamic acid which gives off an umami flavor or savory taste when added to food. It is often associated with Chinese food or takeout dishes but it can be found in many snacks and processed foods as well. 

Both maltodextrin and MSG are controversial ingredients due to their potential health effects on consumers.

Benefits and Dangers Of Maltodextrin


Maltodextrin is a type of carbohydrate that is often used to replace sugar in foods and drinks. Foods and drinks that are high in maltodextrin can have a lower calorie content and may also contain other nutritional benefits.


Maltodextrin is a food additive often used as a thickening or stabilizing agent in processed foods. It can be derived from any starch, most commonly wheat, corn, and potatoes, and is considered to be a safe ingredient for consumption by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Despite its FDA approval status, there are several potential risks associated with maltodextrin consumption that are worth noting. 

For starters, maltodextrin is known to spike blood sugar levels very quickly due to its high glycemic index rating. This quick rise in blood sugar can cause serious health issues such as diabetes and obesity if consumed in large amounts over an extended period. Additionally, individuals who have gluten allergies may unknowingly consume maltodextrin derived from wheat-based sources which could lead to uncomfortable symptoms such as abdominal pain or diarrhea.


In conclusion, maltodextrin is a widely used food ingredient and can be found in many processed foods. It is important to read labels when purchasing food products and be aware of the potential health risks associated with consuming high levels of maltodextrin such as diabetes, high blood pressure, weight gain, high cholesterol, and other metabolic diseases. Additionally, it is important to remember that maltodextrin can be found in natural sources such as fruits, legumes, and grains.

FAQs on Maltodextrin

What is maltodextrin found in?

Maltodextrin is a type of carbohydrate which is commonly found in food items such as ice cream, candy, and beer. Maltodextrin is also used to make medical products like insulin.

What does maltodextrin do to your body?

Maltodextrin, a polysaccharide derived from starch, is used as an additive in many processed foods. This type of carbohydrate provides a wide range of benefits to the body, including aiding digestion and providing energy. But what exactly does maltodextrin do to your body?
When consumed, maltodextrin is broken down into glucose in the digestive system. The glucose then enters the bloodstream quickly, increasing blood sugar levels and giving an instant boost of energy. In addition to its energizing effects, it also helps improve mineral absorption in the small intestine and contributes to healthy gut bacteria development. Maltodextrin has been shown to have a low glycemic index (GI), which means it can provide sustained energy without leading to spikes or crashes in blood sugar levels that are associated with high GI foods.

What is another name for maltodextrin?

Maltodextrin is a polysaccharide made from starch. It’s produced by hydrolyzing starches such as corn or wheat, which breaks the bonds between sugar molecules so they can be more easily absorbed into the bloodstream. The resulting product is a white powder that looks very similar to sugar but tastes slightly sweet. In addition to its use in food production, maltodextrin has also been used as an excipient in some pharmaceuticals.

Should I avoid maltodextrin?

Maltodextrin is a highly-processed carbohydrate and has been linked to an increase in blood sugar levels. This means that consuming large amounts of Maltodextrin could lead to weight gain and other health complications such as type 2 diabetes or high cholesterol levels. Additionally, Maltodextrin has been shown to cause digestive discomfort for those who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or celiac disease since it can contain gluten.

Is maltodextrin an inflammatory?

Generally speaking, there is no evidence that maltodextrin leads to inflammation or any other health issues. The carbohydrate compound appears to be safe for most people when consumed in moderate amounts. However, some studies suggest that maltodextrin may cause digestive discomfort in certain individuals who are sensitive to the additive. Experiencing bloating or indigestion after eating products containing maltodextrin could indicate a need for avoiding the substance in the future.

Is maltodextrin the same as sugar?

Maltodextrin is made up of short chains of glucose molecules that the body breaks down into individual glucose units. These glucose units are then absorbed quickly into the bloodstream, providing an immediate source of energy for cells. Sugar molecules, on the other hand, also contain glucose units but are composed of both fructose and sucrose; these take longer to break down before they can be used by cells for energy production.

Why is maltodextrin in food?

First of all, maltodextrin helps to improve texture and shelf-life by providing bulk and sweetness. It also acts as a thickening agent to give products a creamy texture while keeping them stable on store shelves. Additionally, it works well with flavorings such as artificial sweeteners or spices so that manufacturers can create unique-tasting snacks without using too much sugar or salt.

Does aspartame have maltodextrin?

Maltodextrin is a food additive derived from starch and commonly used in processed foods to enhance flavor and texture. It also acts as a preservative and helps extend the shelf life of packaged foods. But does aspartame contain maltodextrin? The answer is no; aspartame does not contain any maltodextrin whatsoever. Instead, it consists mainly of two amino acids – phenylalanine and aspartic acid – along with small amounts of methanol, which are all naturally occurring compounds found in many different types of food products.

What foods don’t contain maltodextrin?

Maltodextrin is a food additive used to thicken or stabilize processed foods. It’s made from corn, potato, or rice starch and is often found in packaged snacks and sugar-free products. But not all foods contain maltodextrin, so if you’re looking to avoid it there are plenty of alternatives.
Fresh fruits and vegetables are one of the best options for avoiding maltodextrin since they’re naturally free of additives. Whole grains like oats, barley, quinoa, buckwheat, and brown rice are also good choices as these foods don’t typically contain added starches or thickening agents. Legumes such as beans, lentils, and split peas are also great options since they’re naturally low in fat and carbohydrates but high in protein and fiber.

What drinks contain maltodextrin?

Numerous types of drinks use maltodextrin as an ingredient, ranging from energy drinks and soft drinks to coffee-flavored beverages and sports drinks. Energy drinks often contain maltodextrin as it helps provide the body with energy for physical activities like running or weightlifting. Meanwhile, sodas are another common source of maltodextrin because it adds sweetness without using regular sugar or artificial sweeteners.

Does rice contain maltodextrin?

Rice does not naturally contain maltodextrin, though some manufacturers will add it as a preservative or stabilizer, particularly for pre-cooked or instant rice. In such cases, the presence of maltodextrin would normally be listed on the ingredients label. Those wishing to avoid it should check the ingredients list before purchasing and carefully select only those brands that do not use added maltodextrin in their products.

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